Find a mediator, an arbitrator, a mediation and arbitration center

We can find the most appropriate mediator or arbitrator for your case
You are an individual, a company or a self-employed person and wish to initiate mediation to settle a dispute, but don’t know how or who to choose ? Justicity can help you.
Justicity can do it for you, and refer you directly to an accredited professional!
The solution to manage all your mediations and arbitrations
Would you like to be a member of a community of professionals involved in improving access to justice? Would you like to save time, improve the quality of your work and offer your customers an innovative digital service?
You are in the right place ! Join us and fill in our online form.

Justicity, who are we ?

Mediation is a simple, fast and economical solution. In the event of a dispute, mediation allows for an accelerated agreement before going to court. This takes place with an accredited and independent mediator.
Mediation is an Alternative Dispute Resolution Method recognized by gouvernments and can be approved by Courts of law.
Arbitration advantageously replaces a trial. It is perfectly adapted to companies wishing to settle a dispute quickly and confidentially with a controlled budget. It is a particulary suitable solution for commercial and / or international disputes.
Our arbitrators make a final, non-appealable decision which is binding on all parties and which may be homologated by courts. Arbitration uses a procedure that is much less restrictive than traditional courts, while respecting a fair hearing.

Who is Justicity for ?

You are a mediator, lawyer, notary, chartered accountant or bailiff and you wish to guide your clients
towards a rapid settlement of their disputes. The Justicity platform allows you to submit a
mediation file for your customers to benefit from a preferential rate and to access dedicated
management tools.

You are an SME, a very small business or a self-employed person, the Justicity platform allows
you to access the services of a mediator at a lower cost before any legal action whether your
disputes are internal (Human resources, harassment, etc.) or external (commercial relations,
customer satisfaction, etc.)

You are an individual and you want to settle a dispute quickly and inexpensively, the Justicity
platform will allow you to obtain an amicable agreement while avoiding a trial. Our accredited
mediators will support you in this process in complete confidentiality.
A mediation with JustiCity is :
The average cost of a civil trial in Canada is $31,330 (Canadian Lawyer) while a day of mediation at JustiCity costs on average $1,200. By choosing us, you save $28,930.
The average time to be heard in court is 24 months (Superior Court of Quebec, 2015 activity report) while the maximum time to schedule a mediation at Justicity is 3 months, with us you save at least 21 months of your time.