Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find the most frequently asked questions to our team. Do not hesitate to ask us yours, we will answer all your questions!

How long does a mediation take ?

The duration of a mediation depends on the complexity of your case and the determination of the parties to settle quickly.

For exemple :

  • Half a day: If you have an unpaid bill, a rental dispute, a neighborhood problem or a minor disagreement on a contract or an employment issue.
  • If you have a difficulty in the execution or interpretation of a contract, a commercial dispute, a conflict with co-owners or an employment dispute.
  • One and a half days: If you think that the first day will be used for mediation and the additional half day for completing the transaction.
  • Two days and more: If your dispute is complex, delicate, if it involves large payments or if you wish to be assisted by a lawyer during mediation.

The mediator may advise you, if an agreement is close to being reached, to continue a mediation with additional sessions.You have no maximum time limit, and you may interrupt a mediation at any time.

If you have any questions, contact us for free and we will be happy to answer them.

Do I have the right to refuse an offer of mediation?

Absolutely, mediation is a voluntary process, all parties must accept the mediation to take place.

Does mediation interrupt the prescription?

Unfortunately no, you must make sure that your rights are protected during this period.

Is the mediation recorded ?

No, each party is prohibited from doing so. If there is a recording, you will be informed and will have the option to refuse it. In all cases, if there is a recording, it can only be used for the purpose of improving the quality of the service or for research purposes.

What are the payment methods available ?

You can pay the mediation fee by Visa or MasterCard.

Can I extend or stop a mediation in progress ?

Yes, at the end of a mediation session if you need more time you can add more time in half-day increments.

If on the contrary you have settled faster or you do not wish to continue, any half-day or day not started will be refunded.

Are there any additional fees ?

The only fees you will have to pay are those assigned to the package you choose. If you choose a package and you need more time to settle the dispute, you can add half days

What are the cost sharing modalities ?

The party proposing mediation may ask the party who receives the request to share the costs of the mediation. If the party receiving the split request accepts, the costs are divided by 2 and everyone pays their share. If the party refuses, then the full costs must be paid by the party initiating the mediation request. Payments are made online via our secure platform.

What is the difference between mediation and arbitration ?

Mediation belongs to the parties, it allows an agreement to be reached, the mediator does not render any decision. Arbitration is more like a traditional trial, but simpler, faster, and the arbitrator render a final decision (the sentence) thhat is not subject to appeal.

What do I need to use the platform?

You need a computer, smartphone or tablet connected to internet. You don’t need to provide any documents to register but a section is available on the platform if you wish to download some for the mediator to access it.

Is the agreement obtained in mediation as valid as a judgment ?

The agreement reached as a result of mediation is valid and constitutes a contract between the parties who must respect it. However, if one of the parties does not respect it, the agreement will have to be homologated (which gives it the same value as a judgment) by the court (very fast procedure) to have the agreement enforced by a bailiff for example.

When will mediation take place ?

Within three months. Once your file is submitted, you will have access to a calendar with ten choice of dates over the next three months, the other party as well as the mediator will choose a mediation date among those you have proposed.

A lawsuit has already been initiated, can I go to mediation ?

Yes, you can settle your case and have recourse to mediation at any time during the procedure.

How will I sign the final agreement ?

You will sign the final agreement using our totally secure electronic signature system accessible through a simple Internet connection.

What is a mediation agreement?

It is a contract between each of the parties and the mediator validating the rules of the mediation and in particular its confidential nature.

Can my lawyer be present during the mediation ?

Absolutely, but he cannot represent you alone, you must also be present.

What happens if the mediation request is refused ?

It is in the interest of both parties to resort to mediation as this will allow the dispute to be settled. However, mediation remains a choice for the parties, if one of them does not wish to continue or participate in it, it is within their rights and therefore mediation will not take place.

Is mediation confidential ?

Yes, the parties as well as the mediator undertake to keep the content and the discussions of the mediation confidential.

How long do I need to create an account ?

It takes you about 5 minutes. As a first step, you only have to fill in your personal information and those of the party to whom you are offering mediation.

Justicity for whom ?

Justicity is for anyone facing a dispute! Whether you are an individual, a professional or a company, we are at your service to settle your dispute within 3 months of your request.

How does a mediation take place ?

Mediation begins with an individual and confidential interview with the mediator (premediation) then mediation begins with the presentation of each party’s position. The talent of our mediators is to identify your needs and the solutions chosen to definitively settle your dispute.


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(In french)

L’impact environnemental de la médiation en ligne

L’impact environnemental de la médiation en ligne

Revue à partir de l’année 2008, la répartition géographique des tribunaux en France n’avait pas été significativement modifiée depuis 1958. Celle-ci était par conséquent considérée comme inadaptée au regard de l’évolution démographique et économique des régions. Avec...
