The fully dematerialized mediation and arbitration platform for everyone!
Are you a business or an individual, are you having difficulty settling a dispute and going to court would take too much time and money? You are in the right place ! JustiCity offers you a 100% online mediation and arbitration service that allows you to settle your dispute in just a few days by being accompanied by accredited mediators and arbitrators.
You have a problem with a supplier, customer, business partner, or even an employee and you plan to take legal action in court. However, you realize that the deadlines are very long and that the estimated budget is far too large.
With the hourly cost of a lawyer and the time spent in proceedings, you have neither the means nor the time and you feel that the game is not worth the candle …
JustiCity is the solution you need, all our prices are clear and predictable and we can offer you a mediation date in record time.

Are you an individual and you are facing a dispute?
Want to avoid wasting time and money going through the courts? You are in the right place.
Thanks to JustiCity, find an agreement and settle your dispute amicably in just a few days while being accompanied by an accredited mediator.
Mediate with JustiCity is:
The average cost of a civil trial in Canada is $31,330 (Canadian Lawyer) while a day of mediation at JustiCity costs $1,200. By choosing us, you save $28,930.
The average time to be heard in court is 24 months (Superior Court 2015 activity report) while the maximum time to schedule a mediation at Justicity is 3 months, with us you save at least 21 months of your time.